The Church of Kharma Futures

The Rev's views on politics, events,faith, and the world. All content copyright Church of Kharma Future 2007-2015 All rights Reserved


Posted by deaconkharmafuture1 on May 6, 2015

So, I receive an email begging for support for Trey Gowdy. I am wondering if he is in some strange recall election or some other election cycle I didn’t know about. After reading this long breathless email about how Hillary is going to defy the Benghazi committee I am told that my signature on a petition could make all the difference. Further down, that little Washingtonian Gem appears like Sally Struthers asking “wont you please help?” With their cup out for some spare change, they ask for 25$ or more. Whatever I can spare, they say. Since my response was bounced from the sender address, I’m assuming it’s some sort of “Bot mailer” (, I’d like to pen a sort of open letter response. Here goes:
First, thank you so much for considering me when sending your informative emails. However, please allow me to retort. What exactly will my donation accomplish? Does Trey Gowdy somehow gain prosecutorial power? Can he subpoena Hillary with this money? Perhaps he can gain access to her server with this money? Perhaps my signature will make all this possible?
As with the IRS issue, I feel you folks are simply giving us bread and circus. No change is actually intended or desired, with the exception of possibly things changing hands. After a lifetime of evidence, I now believe that Republicans don’t want to see a change of anything in Washington but who has the power. Recent examples alone should make anyone with an ounce of reason realize this. Gowdy voting for Boehner for speaker is exhibit ”A.” What change did we see from this? The same guy that rolled over for the current administration was left in place. Continued Republican caving and rolling over after sternly worded but empty threats and promises is Exhibit “B.” Worse, Republicans have proposed legislation neutering their treaty approval authority that was firmly ensconced in the Constitution of the US. Let us call that exhibit “C.”
While as entertaining and satisfying as it is to watch Trey Gowdy holler, fuss, and berate, committee chairmen, members, and those called to testify, it is still only a show. No legal teeth, no real punishment, and certainly no change will come of these proceedings. At the end of the day this show accomplishes as much or less than watching an episode of Jerry Springer. Ultimately the show was interesting, shocking, and terrifyingly humorous that folks get away with what they do, but at the end there is no real resolution. No problems have been solved, they have just been put on display for folks to shake their head at. The outcome, as always proves inconsequential to my life, my well being, and worse does nothing to resolve the ills plaguing our once great nation.
So back to my signature and donation: thanks, but no thanks. Jerry Springer passing around a collection plate at the end of his show is what your email equates to. Please lose my email and don’t ever breathlessly email me asking for a signature or money. We all know neither will do a damn thing to fix what you guys are all party to.

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