The Church of Kharma Futures

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Second Amendment (once more) Proves Invaluable

Posted by revkharma on May 6, 2009

There is a story out there today, from College Park, Ga. It seems some malefactors entered an apartment, intent on doing some evil. One of the legitimate guests was prepared, and exercised his second amendment right to keep and bear arms.  From WSBTV in Georgia, here are the details:

A group of college students said they are lucky to be alive and they’re thanking the quick-thinking of one of their own. Police said a fellow student shot and killed one of two masked me who burst into an apartment.

and more:

Bailey said the gunmen started counting bullets. “The other guy asked how many (bullets) he had. He said he had enough,” said Bailey. That’s when one student grabbed a gun out of a backpack and shot at the invader who was watching the men. The gunman ran out of the apartment. 

Follow the link above and read the whole story. Then contrast it with the shootings we constantly hear about in the media with entirely different outcomes.  Defenseless students in college dorms, stripped of their second amendment rights and unable to stop someone bent on murder. We are told over and over that it is the guns that are the problem. Well this puts that lie out in the open for all to see.  In this case, the bad guys picked on someone who was not rendered defenseless, and was able to meet force with force. 

This is just one more example which shows the truth of Americans acting in self defense. When we can get government off our backs, and be prepared, we can protect and defend ourselves. Kudos to the quick thinking and calm action of the student. Gratitude for the Second Amendment, and the fact that the State of Georgia is generally affirmative on the issue of gun rights.

Also in the news today, our friends at the Columbia Conservative Examiner report that the SC State Supreme court has intruded, voiding the South Carolina Tax Free Second Amendment holiday.

Go here for details

Keep the Faith!

The Rev

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