The Church of Kharma Futures

The Rev's views on politics, events,faith, and the world. All content copyright Church of Kharma Future 2007-2015 All rights Reserved

Posts Tagged ‘Freedom’

Forty Seven to run EVERYTHING

Posted by revkharma on September 10, 2015

For the record, I am not a follower of ‘numerology’. I don’t believe in horoscopes or most of the end times prophesies that pop up every year or so like so many whack a moles. But there is one number that has caught my attention. It’s an important number, and a far smaller than I would have imagined.  I’ll tell you about it quickly, then tell me what you think.

Forty Seven is a magical number. It is a DANGEROUS number.

That is the total number of people who are needed to destroy our republic. 1 president who is willing to act via executive decree. 5 supreme court justices willing to vote against clear language in Constitution  to enable that executive  to continue. 41 senators willing to vote to “filibuster ” to block any legislation which might rein in the lawlessness.
Of course there is a pair of spineless congressional leaders, one in the house and one in the Senate who will lay down and not fight to defend what they pretend their party  stands for.

Posted in Big Government, Constitution, Freedom, Government Power, liberty, Politics | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Go Ahead.. Shout “FIRE”

Posted by revkharma on May 8, 2015

OK, this is one of the things that has ground my gears for years.

The famous hoary old quote trotted out whenever the libs disagree with something a libertarian or conservative says in public that ”offends them

Immediately they say,(harumph, harumph) “Well free speech is all well and good, and we all know that there is a First Amendment.


Then the speaker smiles smugly like the Church Lady, and sits back. The argument is over, and I win! So SHUT UP they explained.

OK, so the quote is not in any law, but was part of an introduction by Justice Holmes in a 1919 court ruling.( US. V Schenck) In that ruling they said a pamphlet against the draft that contained the phrases ‘Assert Your Rights” and ‘Do  not submit to intimidation”

Pretty mild stuff, eh?

What is even more interesting is that the entire decision was OVERTURNED IN 1969!!!
(Brandenburg v. Ohio)

The ruling reversed a previous Supreme Court decision setting a new precedent for the “clear and present danger” standard in First Amendment cases. The Court now held that a person’s words were protected as free speech as long as they did not directly incite unlawful action

Court held that all speech,including inflammatory speech, such as in this case by the KKK, is protected under the First Amendment, unless the speech is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action. The link must be there, the speech MUST directly result in the violent action.

So, next time someone says

Well, we ALL know you can’t shout Fire in a theater and gives that stupid look, the best reply is:

“Oh? What about Brandenburg v. Ohio?


Posted in Civil liberties, Constitution, Freedom, Government Power, liberty, Politics | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Now Is The Time To End It.

Posted by revkharma on June 20, 2014

Feb 13, 1913 The United States ratified the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Since that time what was introduced as a way for the wealthiest among us to pay a little more (sound familiar?) has grown and expanded beyond all imagination. Here is a graphic to illustrate:

(Source for this can be found here)

Additional outrage can be gleaned from such things as this:

(Found on Politico)

Rep. Jeff Duncan wants to know why IRS law enforcement agents are training with AR-15 rifles.

As chairman of the House Homeland Security oversight subcommittee, Duncan (R-S.C.) toured a federal law enforcement facility in late May and noticed agents training with the semi-automatic weapons at a firing range. They identified themselves as IRS, he said.

“When I left there, it’s been bugging me for weeks now, why IRS agents are training with a semi-automatic rifle AR-15, which has stand-off capability,” Duncan told POLITICO. “Are Americans that much of a target that you need that kind of capability?

Today during a hearing Paul Ryan in questioning  IRS commissioner John Koskinen stated the following:

You demand that taxpayers present seven years worth of information, yet you can’t maintain six months worth of employee emails?


All of this (and much much more) brings to mind only one question:

It is time, if not well past time, for the IRS to be abandoned. It is time to repeal the 16th amendment and dissolve and destroy the Internal Revenue Service and all the dangerous and repressive government coercion it represents and creates.

Time after time, republicans and democrats have used and abused the power of the IRS to compel and control others to advance their own power.

It’s time. NOW.

Posted in 16th Amendment, Bill of Rights, Constitution, corruption, Fair Tax, Government Power, IRS, liberty, Political parties, regulations, Taxation, White House Enemies List | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Outrage, Rights and Moral Failure

Posted by revkharma on June 9, 2014

KHARTOUM (Reuters) – A Sudanese court has sentenced a 27-year-old woman to death for converting to Christianity, judicial sources said.
Mariam Yahya Ibrahim had been ordered to abandon her newly adopted Christian faith and return to Islam. She had also been charged with adultery for marrying a Christian man.

OK, Where is the condemnation from the United Nations? From western nations? From the White House? From the House or Senate? From ANY leaders anywhere in the world??

And one more thing:
“Sudan is committed to all human rights and freedom of faith granted in Sudan by the constitution and law,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Abu-Bakr Al-Siddiq said. He added that his ministry trusted the integrity and independence of the judiciary.

Note the phrasing ‘Granted… by the Constitution and Law…”
The words betry a mindset, one which is different from the original ideas enshrined in the US Constitution. At least originally our founding documents declared that our rights pre-exist and supercede our constitution and laws. Rights co exist with humanity, ‘endowed by their Creater’ and inalienable.
As soon as they are ‘granted by law, or granted by Constitution’, they can be removed or altered by law.
As we in this nation continue to ‘grant rights’ by government fiat, we move quickly toward a legal grant which can be removed also by law.

Watch out, we are moving toward the very standard embraced by the Sudanese.

Posted in Bill of Rights, Civil liberties, Constitution, Culture of Death, Government Power, islamism, Politics, religion of peace, transnational law, Uncategorized | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

One sentence summary of modern issues

Posted by revkharma on May 29, 2014

Reading an essay by Kevin Williamson, in National Review I came across this thought, buried in the middle of the piece.

It sums up much of what is wrong with so many, and thought it worth passing along.
It might be thought provoking to read the entire essay, (linked here)
But this one short sentence just made me pause and think:

Modernity sets us free, but it does not offer any answer to the question, “Free to do what?”

Posted in Civil liberties, Freedom, liberty, Uncategorized | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

The Destructive Seventeenth

Posted by revkharma on December 28, 2012

We all hear over and over about the famous “Checks and Balances” built into the government by the Constitution. Supposedly each of the three branches are separate and equal, in order to prevent any one branch from gaining too much centralized power and moving the nation back toward tyranny.  In recent times we have seen over and over that the balance is portrayed as a balance between the “Two Parties” so one political party does not gain overwhelming power over the levers of government. The last is the most risible of all, as there were no real political parties when the Constitution was written, and as most have heard, outgoing President Washington warned about the danger of parties as he left office.

All of this addresses the balance of power within the Federal Government. All of this also fails to address one area of balance which was intentionally removed, and all but forgotten. This loss, and loss of memory is perhaps the most destructive to our republic.

The loss suffered is erasure of any check or balance of the power of the Federal government against the states, which was erased by the 17th amendment. Prior to that well planned assault on the structure and foundation of the Republic, each state sent two representatives to Washington DC to represent their interests. The people at large elected their congressional representatives to address the concerns of the “nation at large’. The balance thus created prevented the complete centralization of power in the Federal Government. As the states each had a seat at the table, they could restrain the unchecked appropriation of funds from the individual states and so could maintain some direct influence. It was this brake which could prevent the creation of such monstrosities as the EPA, or even the nationalizing of health care under the wildly laughably named ‘Affordable Health Care act” aka Obamacare.

Convincing the representatives of fifty individual states to support such a concentration of authority in the central government would have been impossible if each of the senators had to answer to the state governments, instead of a mass market of statewide voters swayed by pork barrel spending confiscated from other states and poured out through the largess of a non-accountable federal government. Imagine a Senator trying to explain to the legislature or governor who had sent him to Washington that the home state would be directed by an appointed bureaucrat in DC to spend funds confiscated from the residents, with no say nor control on  the appropriation or disposition of such funds. This, in fact was the bedrock principle of Federalism and States Rights upon which the Republic was founded.

Unfortunately we have raised too many generations of helpless victims, accustomed to dependency upon the distant Federal Leviathan for assistance and direction in all manner of situations. Imagine the governors of various states in the early days of the nation, calling hat in hand, as supplicants to someone in Washington for assistance when storm, or fire, or any manner of danger threatened them. Imagine if the various states simply waited, instead of mobilizing various state militias to fight against the Crown for our independence. It seems an anachronism to read the names of the various state regiments as they signed up as groups to fight in the Civil war, and even in the early days of the First World War

The saddest and most recent example of the total surrender of sovereignty of individuals, and the states which represented them, to the Leviathan is the latest proposed reaction to mass murder in Connecticut.

Rather than allow that historically powerful state to take action, we do not even imagine a purely local reaction. Instead, we hear two proposals, one to disarm Americans through some sort of Federal Gun Control, or to place Federally Funded police in every school throughout the land. To install such Federal Police in the schools would require funding equivalent to that of the TSA. And we all know just how well such funding has succeeded.  It would also complete another strand in the noose of centralization. Private schools are one of the very few areas that are not currently dominated by central government control. Any Federally funded police agency would necessarily entail central control, and thus attach more strings on the lives of every American.

While we surely shed tears for the many families irreparably damaged by the deeds of a madman in Connecticut, it is simply unimaginable that every community in the nation should therefore surrender more sovereignty to pay reparations for the evil deed.

A more appropriate solution and one true to the ideals of the republic as it was founded would be to remove federal restrictions on the rights of Americans to defend themselves and their communities as they see fit. Each local school will certainly know better how to meet the need for protection far more accurately than any group of bureaucrats sitting in hearing rooms in front of banks of cameras in DC.

Get Washington out of our lives, and we will live them better, happier and with far more liberty than any life dictated to us by any government, no matter how well thought out.

One more note, in this vein, please take note that the Governor of Hawaii has now appointed a replacement for the late Senator Inouye. In his explanation of his decision he has stated the following:

Of course Sen. Inouye’s views and his wishes were taken into account fully, but the charge of the central committee, and by extension then myself as governor, was to act in the best interests of the party … the state and the nation,”

The Governor has clearly internalized the lesson of the Seventeenth amendment. His priorities are listed in this statement, and the nation is not first on his list, is it?


Keep The Faith!

The Rev

Posted in administrative power, Big Government, congressional representation, Constitution, Founders, George Washington, Government expansion, Government Power, Gun crimes, Gun Laws, liberty, Obama Care, Political parties, Politics, Senate, State Supremacy, states rights, Uncategorized | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

You Didn’t Build That…

Posted by revkharma on July 20, 2012

If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet. ( B. Obama, 7/13/2012)

Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato (“Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State”) (B. Mussolini, 5/26/1927)

I have been inactive a while, but am compelled to return to my keyboard. Hearing the comments lately from our President gave me a sense of deja vu, and I went back to find the quote which it seemed to echo. I admit, it’s not exact, but it’s of a piece with the governing philosophy displayed by this adminstration.

So often when Mr. Obama says something ridiculous, his opponents rise and compare him to Hitler, or to Stalin, or call him a socialist, or a communist. While there are similarities in his politics to communism, the most clear comparison has got to be with Italian Fascism.

I don’t know why so many rush to the bait of the left. Obama is not hitler, he is not Stalin. ( aside from the fact that he is neither as intelligent, nor ruthless, and not even as charismatic).
From the inception of his campaign, the comparison to Mussolini and his collectivist, statist ideology has been clear.
His use of the coercive power of the state, eg the auto ‘bailout’…which was flat out a government take over.
The government funding, then abandonment of companies like Solyndra are close parallels to the ‘golden shares’.
Fascism is not about ‘goose stepping Nazi troops of the right wing’ it is about quasi private business being controlled by government.
The government tells business how to act, if the business fails, then government blames the fat cats. If it succeeds, then government takes credit, and takes more control. And those connected to the elite continue to make money while demonizing those who don’t follow their directives.
This is not communism, it is the original, true and clear fascism, as originally practiced by Mussolini and the Fascisti.

Even as popular site as Wikipedia in it’s article about Fascism rings loudly with comparisons.

After 1929, the Fascist regime countered the Great Depression with massive public works programs, such as the draining of the Pontine Marshes, hydroelectricity development, railway improvement

( Stimulus Bill anyone)

One truly interesting link: After forcing Chrysler into bankruptcy, the Obama administration and it’s ‘auto Czar’ sought out and found a new buyer for the recreated, and government controlled entity .

Government controlled Chrysler corp got a new partner, which was none other than fascist created and controlled Fiat Motors. Interesting how things come full circle sometimes, isn’t it?

In 1933, the Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI — Institute for Industrial Reconstruction) was established to subsidize failing companies,

(Tarp, auto bailout? Solyndra)

Look, we have to face facts. What we are seeing is the realization of a corporatist form of governance, enacted not by a doctrinaire marxist, but by someone simply craving power. This president condemns the actions of others, while simultaneously behaving in exactly the same way.

His allies in the donkey party cheer him on, knowing that they will continue to expand their personal empires. The elephant party plods along, mostly saying not so fast, not so fast, but not changing direction, only the speed with which government and the super rich like Warren Buffet take over as much as they can.

There is only possible answer, and that is to vote out any incumbent who has consistently increased the power and finances of the Central government in DC.

Senate majority leader..heave him out.

Speaker Boehner.. send him home to weep quietly to himself in a tanning booth in Ohio.

We need real change, so we can once again believe in our government.

Keep the Faith!

The Rev.

Posted in administrative power, bailout, bank takeover, Big Government, change, chaos, charity, Civil liberties, corruption, Culture of Death, deception, Democrats, distraction, economics, fascism, Freedom, Global government, Government expansion, Government Power, Health Care, liberty, Obama Administration, Obama Care, Politics, regulations | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

The Danger Model

Posted by revkharma on August 11, 2010

I was listening to the radio the other day, and caught part of an interview with a cancer specialist.  She was discussing a recent trend in cancer treatment theory and contrasting it with traditional methodology and treatment theories.

About as close as I can get to explaining it is like this.

Traditionally we look at the immune system as border guards or police, roaming looking for foreign intruders. Once found these intruders are attacked and destroyed.  The problem is with the cancer cells. Frequently they are NOT strangers, but merely healthy cells which are growing faster and more productively than those around them. They are not different.

So, a new idea has come along, something called the Danger Model. The idea here is to compare the actions more to a fire station. There the defenders are waiting, prepared to respond when a signal is received indication danger which will generate a response.

Immune cells respond to a toxin, or the contents of a ruptured killed cell and react, attacking and destroying the dangerous cells.

In the late 1800’s Dr William Coley used such a theory to treat cancer. An example of how this worked  can be found here:

On January 24, 1893, the first patient to receive Coley Vaccine[2] was John Ficken, a sixteen-year-old boy with a massive abdominal tumor. Every few days, Coley injected his vaccine directly into the tumor mass and produced the symptoms of an infectious disease, but did not produce the disease itself. On each injection, there was a dramatic rise in body temperature and chills. The tumour gradually diminished in size. By May 1893, after four months of intensive treatment, the tumour was a fifth its original size. By August, the remains of the growth were barely perceptible.

So, why the rambling medical history? It’s a long way around to make a salien political point.  Currently we have growth of government stimulated by a cadre of politicians who have seemed no different from any others who have come along in the past. They have built upon the foundations of the past, enlarging and expanding “Leviathan” to unprecedented scope and size.

They have moved swiftly, taking the controls of our systems and begun to direct the function and output toward their own goals.  Most of the nation has simply sat and watched, as there seemed no real danger from another bunch of politicians. The liberty which past generations have prized has been trimmed, and scaled back.  The rights and freedoms so cherished have been encroached upon, while the tumor of government growth has expanded, swelling and growing sleek and thick within the skin of the once proud and healthy nation.

Gradually some have in fact, perceived a signal and slowly started to react.  But only around the margins, and only slowly, tentatively have they begun to attempt to stop the tumor cells from expanding and taking over.

What we need is clear. Somehow, some way the body politic of this nation needs to get a fever. something must happen which will start the defenders moving, moving swiftly and with purpose.

The most common hope is that these people will make a step, take some action which finally stir enough people to react and expel the cancer cells.

The problem with waiting is that while we wait, the tumor grows enormous and sleek. It draws more and more of the resources from the healthy body until  not enough strength remains to fight it off. Then the cancer metastasizes essentially taking control of the entire body.

A look at tracking polls show that 46% of Americans strongly disapprove of the current president’s actions.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-six percent (46%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -22 (see trends).

This matches the lowest Approval Index rating yet measured for this president.

The worst performance ever. Yet still he and his party continue, acting with impunity, brazenly continuing to plunder the treasury as citizens watch. While Leviathan is feeding from the very blood of the nation, the muscles and bones which support it are being weakened and rotted.  As any cancer grows, it steals the needed resources and nutrients which the healthy tissue needs. Masquerading as part of the body, it extends its reach, feeding on the  body it is destroying from within.

Most people simply continue, going about their daily business as if there is no problem. We act as if this is merely another phase, simply a small cough which will pass. Meanwhile the tumor, which began decades ago continues to swell and pulse, threatening our  existence.  We move along with our chores, oblivious, ignoring the cries of those who see the danger.

I am not supplying answers here, just observing. But clearly somehow, something must be done. Something has to happen to waken those capable of defending the nation from the growing cancer. If we fail to react, if we allow it to continue to thrive, the killing cells will spread, taking control of, and eventually completely destroying the nation.

We have to find a way to send a danger signal that can be clearly heard, and one which will engender a strong enough response to finally and completely destroy the disease which continues to strangle our lives as it feeds and grows unchecked.

Perhaps this economic strain will act as a sort of  “Coley’s toxin”, which will cause the necessary mobilization of defenders.  Perhaps the plunder of our resources and vast deficit spending will be the signal which brings out the immune response.  Something will.  It had better happen.  We really don’t have all that much time left.

Before it is too late, we need to act.

Keep the Faith!

The Rev.

Posted in administrative power, Bill of Rights under attack, Civil liberties, Constitution, corruption, Democrats, Founders, Freedom, Government expansion, Government Power, Obama Administration, Term Limits, Terrorism, Uncategorized, unconstitutional, White house | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Self Censorship and the Death of our culture

Posted by revkharma on December 7, 2009

You all read of the killing this weekend, of a professor at Binghamton University in New York, right. It got all kinds of coverage. OK, maybe it didn’t, and that my friends is part of an increasing danger.

After all, when some random anthropology professor is killed in a ‘Senseless act of violence” it is always and everywhere front page news.  12 Action News, WBNG  has the story, described this way:

University President Lois DeFleur issued this statement about Antoun’s death earlier this evening:

“This afternoon, in an act of senseless violence, the Binghamton University community lost one of its long-time faculty members…Our hearts go out to the Antoun family and we will provide them with as much assistance as we can in this time of sorrow,” said DeFleur.

Well, once you do some digging, this is surely not a random act, nor a senseless act of violence. The professor has written about fundamentalism among Christian, Muslim, and Jewish groups. He was killed by a man named Abdulsalam Al-Zahrani. Yet nowhere do we  see any reference to this fact, which in our current world is certainly a relevant bit of information.

Atlas Shrugs blog has much detail on this.

We have a media which has become bound by political correctness and become controlled by editors and writers who simply refuse to see what is happening and are unwilling to print facts which do not fit their distorted world view.

The conflict between the world of Islamic Fascism and the desire of extremists to impose global Sharia is completely ignored by those who control the presses and broadcast studios.  This is merely one aspect of the danger we face.

Look at the events of the last few weeks and the news as reported.

We had congress slam a healthcare bill, which will guarantee government control and indebtedness for generations to come. We had our President finally stop dithering and decide on a split the difference policy in Afghanistan. We had the greatest hoax of our time exposed, and what did we see printed on the front pages of the newspapers, headline virtually every television news broadcast?

Party crashers at the Whitehouse, and a golfer who cheated on his wife and crashed his car.

We can clearly see the importance of those two items, as opposed to the stories which were ignored and/or buried.

The really sad facts underlying all this is that most Americans seem not to notice.  For a generation or more now our children have been spoon-fed an education designed to produce, not inquisitive, intelligent minds, but rather controllable easily led tools of the state.  We are told over and over that ‘diversity’ means we are all the same, and there is no preferred viewpoint. From this view, the logic says we cannot condemn those who teach, speak and act on a view which literally calls for the destruction and replacement of our entire social system, the imposition of  Sharia Law in all parts of the globe by violent and oppressive Muslim activists who hate our western values with a blinding passion.  We are told we may not say or publish statements which will ‘offend’ them, or we will face discipline in the school or workplace.

This kind of false equivalence is what enables an angry Muslim Army Major to move with impunity to proselytize his patients, then to step up and kill those he despises, while commanders up to and including the Army Secretary call for ‘understanding’ and whimper that this might hurt diversity in the military.

I am at a loss here. Our leaders in government, in the media, in business seem willing to sell out American Citizens to a world government bent on achieving economic control using lies and false climate science. Our teachers and leaders bow ( Literally bow down to foreign leaders!!!)
to those who would destroy us.

Our president insists on negotiation with nations who despise freedom, and insist they will never surrender their goals to destroy America and our allies, as with the North Koreans and the Iranians.

Time and again our nation is threatened, and time and again our media present us with another celebrity story and another episode of dancing with stars.

It is past time to react. It is past time to halt this.  We hold elections under the mistaken idea that one party is different than another, when the truth is that both parties are loyal to themselves and not to the Constitution they swear to uphold. It is time for Americans who care to take a stand.  One group which seems to be moving in the right direction is ” Get Out of Our House“. If they do what they are promising, there will be a chance to vote “None of the above’ and sweep all incumbents out of DC and start again.

Barring the creation of such a slate of candidates, I am beginning to think the alternative is simply to say “if you are in office now, I will vote for your opponent’. Vote against ANY incumbent.

Anyone else have any ideas? We need them, and we need them NOW.

I fear that without some sort of political, peaceful change soon, we may face something far worse, and far more dangerous.

Inaction is no longer an option. We must reverse the course. Failure will move us toward destruction. Either from external danger or from within from those who will grow increasingly angry with the status quo. And those extremists come from all areas of the political spectrum. There will be no clean hands on left or right if we cannot pull back from this abyss.

Keep the Faith

The Rev.

[ you may want to re-read the following posts also:

and ]

Posted in Big Government, chaos, congressional representation, Constitution, Culture of Death, deception, Democrats, fascism, Free Speech, Freedom, Global government, Government expansion, Islam, liberty, media coverage, Obama Administration, Political parties, Tea Parties, Term Limits, Uncategorized | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Comeback Victory or Sham?

Posted by revkharma on November 5, 2009

So, it’s time to celebrate, isn’t it? The good guys scored some big hits and stole some thunder from the Omabites on election day 2009. Team Obama got beat back, and the libs  have been taught a lesson.  Time to party, to look to who won and plan to continue the winning strategy into the mid-term elections in 2010. After all the good guys came out on top!

Only there’s a flaw in all of this. Look who won and how didn’t. Sure, the Republican Party took a couple of seats from Democrat governors. But the way things are going that’s like being chased by a cheetah, and thinking you are safe when a leopard takes his place behind you. One may run faster, but either one will eventually catch you and then, lights out.

In the now infamous NY 23 house race, the Democrat Party took over a seat which was renowned as a safe republican seat for decades. Note that: ” a SAFE republican seat”.  (of course the seat was held by a democrat in 1993, but that’s a minor detail, isn’t it?) That means essentially one party rule in that district. Perhaps that’s why when Ms Dede  Scozzafava ran and called herself a Republican, the party rewarded her with nearly a million dollars in campaign funds, ignoring her liberal political stance on most issues.

As the election neared, and the Conservative Party of New York ( CPNYS) endorsed Doug Hoffman the two major parties tried their best to ignore him. As he gained ground, eventually garnering better poll results than either ‘major party’ candidate, the very liberal Scozzafava withdrew. The party of elephants then said they would support the conservative. Dede did not agree, and the one time nominee of the Republican Party of New York cast her support to the nominee of the donkey party. After having denounced him during the entire campaign, the Republicans now embraced  Hoffman. This is NOT because they embraced his positions. It was mere expediency, hoping to maintain a share of the seat to which they felt entitled. Remember, this is a “safe republican seat for decades”.

Down State, in Manhattan, the estimable billionaire Mike Bloomberg was running for a third term. Nevermind that the laws of New York City have prohibited  more than two consecutive terms for years. You see, Mr. Bloomberg could not imagine that anyone could run the city as well as he has done. Despite two separate votes in which the residents of NYC have voted to maintain a two term limit for their mayor, Bloomberg went to the city council, not the voters.  A compliant city council agreed to change the rules, and allowed Mr. Bloomberg to run again. Not by vote, but by fiat did Bloomberg get his way. Inconvenient laws are just waived away. Even the immensely popular Rudy Giuliani would not do such a thing, during the scary times after 9/11. He followed the rule of law and simply turned the office to his successor.  It is interesting to note that Bloomberg is reported to have spent more than $100 MILLION of his own money to gain this re-election.

See, the problem here is not liberal versus conservative parties, it’s not donkeys and elephants. The problem is accumulation of power and the sense that those who currently hold office are entitled to those offices. This sense of ownership betrays the entire mindset. It really doesn’t matter if you color your state ‘blue’ or ‘red’ or purple. It does not matter if you show up to speak wearing an elephant head or a donkey head during your campaign. As long as you are part of the club, you are in. Not the interests of the nation, nor the American People, the primary concern maintaining their elitist grip on power.  The two major parties are now so concerned with getting and keeping power that they will simply act in the interest of party rather than in the interest of the nation.

The secret is revealed by the results of the special election in the 23rd district of NY.  As soon as the seemingly opposed parties saw their place at the table threatened, they reacted. Actual citizens seemed on the brink of taking control of their own government. Those annoying ‘Tea Party” people were crushing the established party candidates. Only one thing to do: Dump the fake elephant,  have her endorse the donkey and at all costs, do not allow an outsider to get a place at the table. The future of the two party system is on display in New York.  The election results for NY -23 and NYC Mayor Bloomberg show the length the major parties will extend themselves to maintain their grip on the levers of political power.

I am taking a close look at an organization that seems, at first glance to have this concept in mind.  “Get Out of Our House” is a growing grass-roots organization whose entire goal is to fund and elect outsiders.  I suggest you take a look around and see what you think. I have just begun to read through, but so far I like what I see.  Please, check them out.

Please, do something. Just pay attention. We are seeing our government corrupted and the ‘Two Party system” turned into a fiction used to hold oligarchs in power. If we do nothing, we will have a government little different from that currently pretending to be a democracy in Russia.

Keep the Faith.

The Rev

Posted in Big Government, change, congressional representation, corruption, deception, Democrats, distraction, Government Power, Tea Parties | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »