The Church of Kharma Futures

The Rev's views on politics, events,faith, and the world. All content copyright Church of Kharma Future 2007-2015 All rights Reserved

Self Censorship and the Death of our culture

Posted by revkharma on December 7, 2009

You all read of the killing this weekend, of a professor at Binghamton University in New York, right. It got all kinds of coverage. OK, maybe it didn’t, and that my friends is part of an increasing danger.

After all, when some random anthropology professor is killed in a ‘Senseless act of violence” it is always and everywhere front page news.  12 Action News, WBNG  has the story, described this way:

University President Lois DeFleur issued this statement about Antoun’s death earlier this evening:

“This afternoon, in an act of senseless violence, the Binghamton University community lost one of its long-time faculty members…Our hearts go out to the Antoun family and we will provide them with as much assistance as we can in this time of sorrow,” said DeFleur.

Well, once you do some digging, this is surely not a random act, nor a senseless act of violence. The professor has written about fundamentalism among Christian, Muslim, and Jewish groups. He was killed by a man named Abdulsalam Al-Zahrani. Yet nowhere do we  see any reference to this fact, which in our current world is certainly a relevant bit of information.

Atlas Shrugs blog has much detail on this.

We have a media which has become bound by political correctness and become controlled by editors and writers who simply refuse to see what is happening and are unwilling to print facts which do not fit their distorted world view.

The conflict between the world of Islamic Fascism and the desire of extremists to impose global Sharia is completely ignored by those who control the presses and broadcast studios.  This is merely one aspect of the danger we face.

Look at the events of the last few weeks and the news as reported.

We had congress slam a healthcare bill, which will guarantee government control and indebtedness for generations to come. We had our President finally stop dithering and decide on a split the difference policy in Afghanistan. We had the greatest hoax of our time exposed, and what did we see printed on the front pages of the newspapers, headline virtually every television news broadcast?

Party crashers at the Whitehouse, and a golfer who cheated on his wife and crashed his car.

We can clearly see the importance of those two items, as opposed to the stories which were ignored and/or buried.

The really sad facts underlying all this is that most Americans seem not to notice.  For a generation or more now our children have been spoon-fed an education designed to produce, not inquisitive, intelligent minds, but rather controllable easily led tools of the state.  We are told over and over that ‘diversity’ means we are all the same, and there is no preferred viewpoint. From this view, the logic says we cannot condemn those who teach, speak and act on a view which literally calls for the destruction and replacement of our entire social system, the imposition of  Sharia Law in all parts of the globe by violent and oppressive Muslim activists who hate our western values with a blinding passion.  We are told we may not say or publish statements which will ‘offend’ them, or we will face discipline in the school or workplace.

This kind of false equivalence is what enables an angry Muslim Army Major to move with impunity to proselytize his patients, then to step up and kill those he despises, while commanders up to and including the Army Secretary call for ‘understanding’ and whimper that this might hurt diversity in the military.

I am at a loss here. Our leaders in government, in the media, in business seem willing to sell out American Citizens to a world government bent on achieving economic control using lies and false climate science. Our teachers and leaders bow ( Literally bow down to foreign leaders!!!)
to those who would destroy us.

Our president insists on negotiation with nations who despise freedom, and insist they will never surrender their goals to destroy America and our allies, as with the North Koreans and the Iranians.

Time and again our nation is threatened, and time and again our media present us with another celebrity story and another episode of dancing with stars.

It is past time to react. It is past time to halt this.  We hold elections under the mistaken idea that one party is different than another, when the truth is that both parties are loyal to themselves and not to the Constitution they swear to uphold. It is time for Americans who care to take a stand.  One group which seems to be moving in the right direction is ” Get Out of Our House“. If they do what they are promising, there will be a chance to vote “None of the above’ and sweep all incumbents out of DC and start again.

Barring the creation of such a slate of candidates, I am beginning to think the alternative is simply to say “if you are in office now, I will vote for your opponent’. Vote against ANY incumbent.

Anyone else have any ideas? We need them, and we need them NOW.

I fear that without some sort of political, peaceful change soon, we may face something far worse, and far more dangerous.

Inaction is no longer an option. We must reverse the course. Failure will move us toward destruction. Either from external danger or from within from those who will grow increasingly angry with the status quo. And those extremists come from all areas of the political spectrum. There will be no clean hands on left or right if we cannot pull back from this abyss.

Keep the Faith

The Rev.

[ you may want to re-read the following posts also:

and ]

2 Responses to “Self Censorship and the Death of our culture”

  1. zombeeewolf said

    (pax parabellum’s zombywolf here)I have been so scared the last two months about how fast this government is moving to the left that I even have prescripts for anti-anxiety and anti-depression drugs thinking that maybe being a vegetable like 30% of the people living in this country might be the way to go. The other part of me wants to bury ammo in the backyard and prepare for the revolution that must come to take back our country if there are enough left to understand what we are in the process of losing. To calm myself I spend a lot more time reading comments on the various conservative blogs rather that writing posts–the news of what is happening is almost more than I can bear.

  2. zombeeewolf said

    I guess that should read how fast the government moved hard to the left.

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