The Church of Kharma Futures

The Rev's views on politics, events,faith, and the world. All content copyright Church of Kharma Future 2007-2015 All rights Reserved

Why Is All This REALLY Being Done?

Posted by revkharma on August 17, 2009

Bailout, Cap and Trade, Stimulus,  Government take over of Auto industry, Government take over of financial services industry, Pay czar, science czar, green czar Fix the broken health care system…

Why is so much happening at once.  So many things happening, it’s tough to track all of it. So many different areas being adjusted, tweaked, tinkered with.

Remember the campaign rhetoric of then Senator Obama? We will remake America.  Just how is he planning that? Look to all his agenda items, and you can see just what’s going on, but if you take a few steps back you can see the pattern all this activity begins to form.

All of this is done with one main theme, a hidden framework which supports all the trinkets sparkling on Obama’s goodie tree. Liberty.

Obama and his progressive allies, from Alinsky on down are opposed to individual ordered liberty.  By offering to have the government ‘take care’ of the needs of so many troubled Americans, he will help you right into ordered slavery.

Liberty is about individual freedom, but it is also about individual responsibility. When you surrender the responsibility to care for your medical needs, you surrender the liberty to do so also.  You give some government system the authority to decide what is good for you, and you give up the right to say that for yourself.

A perfect illustration of this would be what has happened to the care of the needy. In days past, local communities would band together, Helping neighbors, or providing for those who had been hit by some dire event and help them out.  Think back to ‘olden times’ and the stories of ‘barn raisings’ in rural communities.  Think to church run soup kitchens, and similar operations. All this has been replaced by government run or funded systems, such as AFDC, WIC or medicaid programs. All are funded by government. As  the big government Leviathan has expanded, taking on the responsibility for such tasks, it has taken control, and individuals have provided less and less for their own neighbors. Taxes, taken by force ( Do you think if you said, ‘no thanks’ the IRS would go away) from every productive citizen are allocated by bureaucrats to those deemed needy by the government. There is no choice, no liberty no individual participation or responsibility permitted. Assistance is allocated simply according to government regulations. This has of course, freed  those who so choose to say ” my money is already used to help, so I have no need to do anything myself to help those around me.”

All of this will be compounded with more intrusion of  oppressive government into the sphere of what was previously individual liberty. Everything from exercise habits to diet will come under scrutiny from a government that provides your ‘health care’. There can be absolutely no area excluded from such a government.

None of this crisis mode thinking is about any of the individual topics which the press wants us to pay attention.  The crisis of the week is a diversion. Each new topic brings a frenzy of attention and discussion and much anger. Each new topic distracts from the big picture. These people are simply convinced that only they are smart enough to run your life. The burdens of self government and individual liberty are simply too hard for the people to handle, and so will be lifted from our shoulders and taken by the DC Government. They actually believe a ‘perfect society’ can be created if only they can have all the power and authority to decide how each day to day event should be handled. As long as the enlightened progressives can install their fascist system, they can repair and remake the world into a perfect society. Peace will reign. But remember one thing. One of the most peaceful places in the world is a cemetery.  The only peace their system can guarantee is the peace of the dead.

There are two books which I suggest you find time to read. Liberal Fascism, by Jonah Goldberg is one.  The other is Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin. Each of these will give a greater understanding of the history of such systemic attempts to crush liberty. Each will provide enough information to let you see clearly the true goals of all of this.  Understanding is the first step to thwarting the dangerous plans which are being implemented now. Make time to read, then make the effort to speak out to thwart this incredibly dangerous agenda.  Now is the time, now is the moment.  Don’t wait or you will be ‘cared for’ completely by your federal bureaucrats. Cared for, and controlled.

Keep the Faith!

The Rev

3 Responses to “Why Is All This REALLY Being Done?”

  1. Excellent!

  2. Paladin said

    Here, Here Rev!

    Beck’s Common Sense was a good read too!

    Another good read for Freedom loving patriots is “Unintended Consequences” by John Ross. It’s fiction based on factual events and provides an alternative to firefights in the streets. It’s 86X pages but I could hardly put it down.

    The ultimate goal of all these progressive bills is to facilitate a New World Order which will join the US, Canada and Mexico (yes! Mexico) to the European Union. It’s merely a stepping stone to establishment of a One World Government!


  3. […] Why Is All This REALLY Being Done? […]

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